The Federal benefits package is largely considered one of the best available to American workers. Federal retirement benefits are hard to beat.
Unfortunately, coordinating these benefits effectively can be a complex process. So how do you know for sure you are getting everything you are entitled to? And what is the best way to coordinate with any other planning you are doing?
Thatโs where FPC comes in. We are independent of the Federal government and specialize in helping prospective retirees coordinate ALL benefit options available to them.
Are you interested in:
- Knowing when you will be eligible to retire?
- Knowing your monthly retirement income?
- Knowing how Social Security will impact your retirement benefits?
- Fine-tuning your TSP to maximize your income in retirement?
- Understanding your FEGLI costs & options?
- Ensuring you are taking the appropriate steps today to optimize benefits later?
- Making the right Survivors Benefits decisions?
You need personalized answers!
Request your complimentary personalized Federal Employee Benefits Analysis! This full-color report outlines your benefits package, based on your specific work experience, so that you can measure your own progress toward retirement.
Our complimentary analysis shows how each component of your retirement plan interacts with all the others and can identify any shortcomings you need to be alerted to. This analysis can help federal & postal employees maximize their standard of living in and through retirement.
* Financial Planning Center, LLP is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any government agency, and are not engaged in the practice of law.